
The Company

FI.SPAN is a FinTech startup connecting banks and other innovative companies in the space. They re-imagined banking by offering them access to innovative tools to their business customers with a flip of a switch. They eliminate concerns that arise from using new technology solutions in banking such as security, compliance and integration.


The Problem

FI.SPAN wasn’t able to convey a clear vision of their product offering to their customers. They knew they wanted to offer seamless integration with partner products, but to the banking customers, it didn’t mean much.

When they came to us, we wanted to offer a simple visual future of their product, and later collect feedback to confirm that it’s what our customers actually demanded.

The Solution The best way to clarify their vision for the company was to lay out a clear roadmap for the next 6-months of development. In chronological order, this is what we did.

  • Met with all the stakeholders: Engineering, Leadership, Marketing & Sales
  • Documented their understanding of their current & desired product offering
  • Came up with a vision statement

Vision Statement

Business banking re-imagined. We help financial service providers augment their business banking offering with innovative payment solutions.

We continued our discovery.

  • Eliminated any development efforts beyond the next 6 months to maintain focus
  • Identified 5 major personas:
    • Business Banking Clients
    • Financial Service Providers
    • Fulfillment Partner
    • FI.SPAN Staff
    • Payee Vendors
  • Defined feature sets that will interest each one of those personas
  • Wrote a few user stories and coached the team to write more for each feature
  • Prioritized development based on client-facing user interfaces
  • Created mockups for various screen sizes
  • Got feedback on the mockups from the entire organization and customers
  • Transformed the sketches into InVision for a clickable, interactive prototype
  • Create more mockups and get more feedback for other types of clients
The mockups

The main use case we decided to focus on is automatically being able to pay bills right from your bank account by activating an integration with an accounting module.


Reports page mock for Financial Service Providers


Mockups of the different pages in the app


Mockup of the dashboard for Business Banking Clients


Activity view for Business Banking Clients

The Outcome

In just 5 short weeks, FI.SPAN team was able to get a clear roadmap for the next 6-months of development, while keeping the rest of the organization and customers in the loop and getting valuable early feedback.